Customer Testimonials

Coldstar Solutions has found Georgia Strait Refrigeration very professional, responsive, with great communication. They are competitive with their pricing and we would not hesitate to refer their company to others looking for a refrigeration company.

Dan Wahl

Operations & Fleet Manager

French Creek Seafood is a well-established business on Vancouver Island and we feel confident in having Georgia Strait Refrigeration as our sole service provider for our Refrigeration and HVAC needs. Georgia Strait Refrigeration is reliable and their passion for their work shows with every job they do.

Because of receiving such great service, we knew that Georgia Strait Refrigeration would be the right choice to construct the refrigeration components in our new facility in Richmond. Devon has completed each stage of the planning process on time and is well organized to begin and complete this project on time and on budget.

Brad Mclean



leaders in the refrigeration and hvac industry

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